• This principle means that LTMP(long-term maintenance plan) activity(s) are scheduled just-in-time, not before , not after. The logic behind this is that maximum LTV(Life time value) is drawn and activities are scheduled at a specific cut off indicator, usually associated with the tolerance indicator prior to escalation to next level of deterioration. This naturally emphasize the importance of timely and diligent planning and provision.
    • If a wall paint blisters on a wall it has the potential result in damp ingress and cause damp damage to the interior/exterior wall. In a dry season is this risk however minimal and the repair costs maximized. In a wet season is the risk factor higher with consequential secondary cost , as well as higher principle repair costs. In a dry season can the repair activity be deferred to a later date but done no later than the next wet season –JIT . In a wet season might the considered risk necessitate immediate action. –JIT

JIT applies to planned(maintenance/renewal/restoration) and Unplanned (failures) events

  • Here is a few benefits of JIT
    • JIT eliminates wastage such Unnessecary/incorrect activities
    • Better decisions through improved causal analysis
    • Streamline & reduce activities reduce impact on management & occupants
    • Improved productivity and efficiency through activity clustering
    • Learning allows for predictive capability through knowledge gained
    • Reduced costs.
      • Statistics
        • wastage is reduced by up to 70%
        • Marginal repair costs is reduced by 50%
        • Impact on organization is reduced by 80%

Read more on Activity scheduling

For more information contact us on plan@proprtymd.co.za